
Posts Tagged ‘The Carlines’


Tonight, Victoria’s Carlines made the trip to Vancouver to play a show at The Roxy on Granville.  It was all part of some sort of Nimbus Recording contest. Sjoerd tried to explain it to me, but it was loud in the club.

Not a bad crowd. Didn’t seem like all music fans which maybe is a good thing for a touring band trying to make new friends. Lots of party people out on a beautiful April evening in Vancouver.  The DJ that fired up after Carlines played wedding jammers. But the party people seemed to get down on it. I wish people at actual weddings partied that hard to wedding classics. I should drop a resume off at The Roxy…I’m a pretty good wedding DJ!

The Carlines sounded amazing (as they do). Sjoerd and the boys flip between acoustic down-tempo, folk inspired tunes about napping by the lake and plugged in, electric foot stompers. Their single “Heart” set them apart.

The band before them was this group from the Tri-Cities in Washington State. Night Argent.

Good haircuts, V-neck t-shirts, smoke machines, and a deep appreciation for Imagine Dragon‘s Night Visions highlighted their set. Big sounds. The bass player produced this sinister wuuuuuuuuu wuuuuuuuuu waaaaaahhhhhhh wuuuuuuuuu sound. The band projected and controlled the space.

I missed GOODWOODATOMS….but Sjoerd assured me they were the group of the night.  Stupid Jets game delayed me at Romers. He said, “Do you like Local Natives? You’ll like these guys.”

Yeah they are good. Like really good.

The first band up tonight was called Lovecoast. I only had the chance to check them out briefly before I ran off to eat a burger and watch some puck. Bright, jangly guitars, uplifting female vocals.

Good night at The Roxy on Granville. Fun folks out to dance and enjoy a couple Vancouver bands and couple touring groups from Victoria and Washington State.

As for Romers in Yaletown…well Yaletown ain’t my scene, but that Port-braised onion and Stilton burger,…jeezus. I’ll dream about it tonight.

Canucks win Friday night and Jets in 6.

Go with yourself.

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