
Posts Tagged ‘Fucked Up’


Please Download and Subscribe to: Capital Rock City #55

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DJ Notes:

01) Jets Overhead – “No Nations”
02) Way to Go Einstein – “Insensate”
03) Immaculate Machine – “Sound the Alarms”
04) Japandroids – “Young Hearts Spark Fires”
05) Flawed By Design – “Exit Strategy”
06) Hollydene – “Enemy”


That’s all I got for now… I’ll flesh out the notes later with some commentary and links when I have more time.  Right now I have to hop on the radio and do my show.

Jets Overhead are likely somewhere in China right now spreading the Canadian Rock and Rock ethos to a billion people.  New Jets record is called No Nations and we’ll get our chance at it on June 2nd.

Way to Go Einstein messaged me on Facebook after noticing Fake Shark – Real Zombie on CRC 54.  This band is also from the lower mainland but I was like, yup…send me some music!  They have a bit of a Radiohead thing going on.  I find the song to be very melodic and pleasant to listen to.

Trolling around Pitchfork, I read a review of Victoria’s Immaculate Machine that was not great.  Pitchfork was rather “meh” on the whole High on Jackson Hill which would be fighting words of Shaynebo Bright reads the review (he LOVES Immaculate Machine).

Read: Pitchfork’s Review of Immaculate Machine
The Read: Pitchfork’s Review of Japandroids

Pitchfork might not like their accessible Victorian pop, but they lurves them some Terminal City fuzzy lo-fi rock.  Japandroids have an interesting sound that maybe reminds me of Vic due Bloody Wilma?  Maybe a little?  I should get some Bloody Wilma for the podcast.  They also remind me a bit of that band Fucked Up.  Right, the song I picked for CRC 55 was the one the reviewer in Pitchfork highlighted as the best… so if you didn’t “get it” then maybe Japandroids are not for you… and in the 6 degrees of the Paper Cranes which CRC has turned into… Japandroids are on the same record label as The Paper Cranes.  neat.

May 20th @ Lucky Bar

I met one of the guys in Flawed By Design a couple Tuesdays ago at The Clubhouse.  He was friends with this guy I know named Brenden.  We jibber jabbered… one thing leads to another and it turns out as is generally the case… he’s in a band, I have a radio show, we should be friends.  An MP3 was sent and I really like it.  Maybe a *little* dated with the screamo style, but i miss screamo so I’ll let it slide and give the song a thumb up!

Ended the show this week with another strong cut from Hollydene.  Still don’t know too much abouyt the kids in t he Hollydene, we recently became BFF on Facebook, so maybe over time… I’ll learn their 5 favourite records on a desert island and their ABCs off Facebook notes and it’ll be like we went to high school together and used to party every week down by the river (no really, in high school, I used to party down by the river).

The march to 1,000 continues so please take a moment to help me and share a link for the podcast with a friend.  Subscribing on iTunes or by RSS feed is huge too.  Thank you so much for finding the show.  And I am always looking for new music so if you’re in a band or have a favourite indie rocker you want to share, please email me at jeremy@thezone.fm .

OK, good talk.

Go with yourself.

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I was jamming out Terra’s blog today (as I do most days) and she said that I one of her top referreres? neat.

hmmm, My top drivers for traffic here as of today are Vancityrockgirl, Terra, Jamie and Laura.

Fun.  Thank you guys!


I finally got through my Top 10 of 2008.  But I have a feeling I am missing some gems.  If they come to me later, I’ll fix that on here.  We’ll explore my top 10 in Youtube video magic.

10) Jack Johnson – Sleep Through the Static

I just put this record here to start and then as I thought about it, yeah I like Jack Johnson… so what?

09) Mother Mother – O My Heart

Fun poppy band from Vancouver.  I played this record a ton over Hallowe’en.

08) Bloc Party – Intimacy

There are a ton of cool songs off this record.  “Signs” showed up on Gossip Girl last night during a big scene.  “Flux” is my favourite but isn’t a “true” single as it was recorded between albums and included on the North American physical release of Intimacy only.

07) The Hold Steady – Stay Positive

This record didn’t change my world like Boys and Girls in America, but the disc did get lots of play and still lives in the Jeep.

06) MGMT – Oracular Spectacular

I think this was 2008…

05) Plants and Animals – Parc Avenue

One of my best surprises on the year, a go to when making a playlist, and a favourite night out with Coral back in the Spring.

04) Grand Archives – The Grand Archives

Another favourite for late nights when I am alone or feeling lonely.  The song “Swan matches” is the soundtrack to Madelyn’s birth and the first few days home from the hospital.  Actually this record should be number one… but I already handed it in, so I’ll call it a strong 4.

03) Radiohead – In Rainbows

A record that got lots of spins int he winter of ’08 and one of Coral’s favourites.  We had a Valentine’s Day dinner at home when Coral was pregnant and we put this disc on front-to-back and it was perfect.

02) Coldplay – Viva La Vida

No record got more play over 2008 in the Jeep than Coldplay.  It was the soundtrack to our summer holiday and big part of the hype for Pemberton.

01) Kings of Leon – Only By the Night

fuck this album kills.  Its a tie between Akon (anything he touches) and “Use Somebody” as my song of the year.


I also really jived on Alkaline Trio this summer, Nine Inch Nails, if only for the outrageous concert, I am late to the party, but Fleet Foxes is growing on me.  I listened to a ton of top 40 and dance music and Cut/Copy stood out.  Fucked Up is also new so I have not had time to digest it fully, but pretty rad.  Deerhunter is another solid one that I just downloaded but haven’t had time to full appreciate.

One of Coral’s faves might also include Jason Mraz.

hmmm, how’s that?

Go with yourself.


ACK!  I forgot Beck – Modern Guilt

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