
Posts Tagged ‘Nine Inch Nails’

The Zone @ 91-3 signed on the radio June of 2001.  And since that time, The Zone has sponsored a large number of Zone Shows.  I didn’t come to the Zone till the spring of 2003, but I have done my best to reflect on some of the best concerts I can reckon from our extensive list of Zone Shows.

Were there better shows?  maybe… in fact I can think of a bunch of great shows that aren’t on this list.  I didn’t include anything that wasn’t a numbered Zone Show or anything that wasn’t in Victoria.

I wanted to include Rifflandia, it was Zone sponsored, but not a Zone Show… but it deserves a mention because it was so darn fun and the few shows I caught this year completely ripped!  About half these shows I was at,m the other half I am relying on eye witness reports of their greatness and my jealousy of not being there.  Here we go.

10) Sum 41 #1 Legends August 15th, 2001

The first Zone Show.  I was not there but after talking with Sara, she felt that it would be important to mark the historic first in the franchise of “Zone Show” that featured a band that would continue to grow.  When Sum 41 returns to Victoria now, they take up residence at the Arena, so if you were there back in the summer of ’01, you saw something special.

I originally wanted to include  Sloan #60 Legends October 19th 2003.  Sara asked, “what makes that show so special?”

I remember it as being one of the first big rock shows I got to MC as a young buck rocking the evening show on the Zone, but more importantly, there is this Zoner that phones my show from time-to-time that told me the story of his life and that show.

He brought a girl out on a first date to that rock show and they would end up getting married and are still married to this day.  He always tells me how special Sloan and the Zone are to them because of that first date.  awww, cute.

Our first big arena show was aptly, Zone Show #91, Our Lady Peace Save On Food Memorial Center, April 26 2006.

09) Sam Roberts w/ The Killers #74 Centennial Square September 4th 2004

One of my great modern rock shames. Being the junior announcer on the Zone still, I had to work while everyone else went down to Centennial Square to see this hot new band with a hit single called “Somebody Told Me” open up for Sam Roberts!

08) Beck w/ Band of Horses #159 Royal Theatre August 27th 2008

I included this show for a couple reasons.  One: Coral and her friend Alix got to meet the lead singer of Band of Horses outside the Theatre.  Two: Beck totally slays.  Three, Band of Horses just keep getting better.  To see them in the theatre is a treat.

07) Billy Talent w/ Rise Against, Moneen and Anti-Flag #115 Save On Foods Memorial Center January 18th 2007

Fuck it rained that day.  I was outside huddled under a tent in the down pour for an epic live-to-air pre-show that included performances and interviews from all the bands involved.  It was Rise Against’s first time in Vic and marked Billy Talent’s rise to the top of the Canadian Arena Rocking pyramid.

06) The Killers #169 Save On Foods Memorial Center April 23rd 2009

They came in ’04, they conquered in ’09.  The Killers jammed out a bevvy of radio friendly hits, were gracious to allow an interview on the Zone, fired up an impressive stage show and just generally exceeded expectation.

05) Metric #101 Legends March 29th 2006

Metric’s first time in Victoria was a handful of years earlier opening for Hot Hot Heat at Sugar, then again headlining with Death From Above 1979.  Those shows were good, but this show, headlining in the basement of the Strathcona Hotel was great!  Metric was starting to firmly establish themselves and you knew then that these guys were gunna be huge!  Just read the The Zone DJs top records of the year and almost everyone has Fantasies on their list.

04) Tragically Hip #174 Save On Food Memorial Center June 20th 2009

The Hip have had more than a few amazing shows in Victoria.  I personally preferred their visit in January of 2007 for Zone Show #116.  Then I saw them at the Commodore with my brother CJ.  That show was spectacular.  But talking with Dylan Willows, he said that #174 was the BEST Hip show he had ever seen.  The special shout out that Gord had for the Times Colonist’s music writer Mike Devlin was go down in infamy ’round these parts.

03) Queens of the Stone Age #153 Save On Food Memorial Center May 1st 2008

There is a trend on this list for the best shows being later int he decade.  I think that is happening for two reasons.  The first being that I remember them better and second, the Zone is growing as a radio station and bigger rock acts are choosing our fair city.  I’ll take it.

Queens is arguably the biggest band we play on the radio.  Not only are these guy important to our playlist on the radio, Josh Homme delivers the goods on stage.  Was a joyful man to interview and just generally owned the evening.

02) Tool #143 Save On Food Memorial Center December 1st 2007

It was my mother’s 50th birthday party on December 1st… and so I had a date in Coquitlam for the shin-dig.  And I missed one my all-time fave bands.  I am not too broke up about it however, I’ve seen Tool live more than once and every show they do is special.  I can only imagine that a concert that sold out instantly was as insane as I imagine.  this will be a show that Zoners will celebrate forever, along with,

01) Nine Inch Nails #161 Save On Food Memorial Center December 5th, 2008

Could there have been a more perfect live experience in Victoria of the arena variety?

The lights alone were worth the price of admission.  Trent had an exceptional set list, great energy and excitement for the entire evening.  I didn’t want it to end.

There were a lot of great shows in Victoria, a lot club gigs, little festivals, Meatloaf.  I could write all day about some of the adventures I’ve had watching Bob make out with some random goer in the beer line of the Def Leppard concert, falling down a flight of stair and cutting my leg at Pirate Party (that was after puking and sharing the hot tub with the twins… male twins… awkward), Plants and Animals, Lucky Bar in general, open Air at Centennial Square (RIP) all those crazy SUB parties up at UVic, Band of the Month shows… oh the list.

Actually, Meatloaf was pretty good.

Go with yourself.

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I do watch me lots of morning television but I can not always be up first thing to see it, especially after a night of DJing at the Clubhouse, and I missed Erick’s coffee snafu!  Astrid’s reaction is well worth the price of admission.  Oh live television…

no worries Erick, despite your lubberly moment, our bromance lives on.


Thank you for taking the time to download Capital Rock City.  I am chit-chatting with a band and a venue to create the first live-to-tape Capital Rock City.  If you like CRC you might also jive on Pol’s Polcast.

Have a listen: Oh, Fluffernutters!

If you dig it, maybe consider subscribing to the Polcast on Itunes in the podcast section.

and also for your downloading please, direct from The Zone dot F-M, some live Nine Inch Nail tracks from their Victoria show.  Some gooders too, like:

and Only
and even The Hand that Feeds

plus so much more.  Go get some.


Go with yourself

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Holy FUCK!  I just opened up the cell phone bill and $160!  WTF?


Tim and Dave from The Stills dropped by the Zone Afternoon show today before the first of two show they would be (are currently) performing in Victoria.  Last night they opened for Sam Roberts and Mike Devlin had some good things to say.

We jibber jabbered about, you know stuff.  I asked Dave why he thinks the song “Being Here” has really grabbed people’s attention and Dave gave a pretty perfect answer, but I didn’t really give him a chance to get the joke in.  Listening back I now hear what might have been a rad joke if I hadn’t stepped on his reply, so that is my bad.  The boys then perform “Being Here” and it ends with Tim and I talking about Nine Inch Nails and their insane LED light show.  Tim knows the man that designed NIN live light show experience!

Download: The Stills Interview with performance of “Being Here”

Download: “Being Here” (live @ The ZAS)

Moment Factory


Day 03

Day number three of single Dad is winding down to an end.  Another glorious challenge.  I really have so much more respect for ZooeyJane and Huckdoll after kinda trying my hand at single parenting.  Mads was a wee bit ornery this morning and wouldn’t nap or even really let me put her down.  Nana came early because Fridays are an epic challenge as it is, getting all my work done… so I had a quick shower and shave then off to the radio factory.  Had a good show and came home to take Nana out for a birthday dinner and Madelyn had/has spots all over her torso?  SWA?

I’m no Grey’s Anatomy doctor so I have no idea what is wrong.  She was n a much better mood when I got home (Nana does that to her) we decided dinner wouldn’t hurt.  Auntie Alyx joined us and we punched back some Greek food.

Brought Madelyn home for a bath and just to she why you never leave a baby unattended in the tub, while sitting there in the water, she’d get herself worked up and then like fall over in the water.  She’d freak and almost freeze up in the water and couldn’t right herself.  If I wasn’t there, like right there beside her, that would be it.

Madelyn likes bath time so she was ready for bed.

I packed up the Jeep while she was sleeping because we are off to visit Grandma Mom and Grandpa Jack tomorrow.  Day Three is done.

Baby is still alive.

Dad: 03
Israeli Air Force: 00


Have a great weekend.  I likely won’t get a chance to write again till Monday.  Go with yourself.

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Zoner Adam sent me a great link to some raw footage “leaked” on Trent’s website of the NIN show in Victoria.  I think the idea is, if you are a creative person, you’ll download and edit it up to be something fabulous.  If anyone actually downloads the file to create a video, please let me know so I can link to you.

Victoria 12.05.08

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I was jamming out Terra’s blog today (as I do most days) and she said that I one of her top referreres? neat.

hmmm, My top drivers for traffic here as of today are Vancityrockgirl, Terra, Jamie and Laura.

Fun.  Thank you guys!


I finally got through my Top 10 of 2008.  But I have a feeling I am missing some gems.  If they come to me later, I’ll fix that on here.  We’ll explore my top 10 in Youtube video magic.

10) Jack Johnson – Sleep Through the Static

I just put this record here to start and then as I thought about it, yeah I like Jack Johnson… so what?

09) Mother Mother – O My Heart

Fun poppy band from Vancouver.  I played this record a ton over Hallowe’en.

08) Bloc Party – Intimacy

There are a ton of cool songs off this record.  “Signs” showed up on Gossip Girl last night during a big scene.  “Flux” is my favourite but isn’t a “true” single as it was recorded between albums and included on the North American physical release of Intimacy only.

07) The Hold Steady – Stay Positive

This record didn’t change my world like Boys and Girls in America, but the disc did get lots of play and still lives in the Jeep.

06) MGMT – Oracular Spectacular

I think this was 2008…

05) Plants and Animals – Parc Avenue

One of my best surprises on the year, a go to when making a playlist, and a favourite night out with Coral back in the Spring.

04) Grand Archives – The Grand Archives

Another favourite for late nights when I am alone or feeling lonely.  The song “Swan matches” is the soundtrack to Madelyn’s birth and the first few days home from the hospital.  Actually this record should be number one… but I already handed it in, so I’ll call it a strong 4.

03) Radiohead – In Rainbows

A record that got lots of spins int he winter of ’08 and one of Coral’s favourites.  We had a Valentine’s Day dinner at home when Coral was pregnant and we put this disc on front-to-back and it was perfect.

02) Coldplay – Viva La Vida

No record got more play over 2008 in the Jeep than Coldplay.  It was the soundtrack to our summer holiday and big part of the hype for Pemberton.

01) Kings of Leon – Only By the Night

fuck this album kills.  Its a tie between Akon (anything he touches) and “Use Somebody” as my song of the year.


I also really jived on Alkaline Trio this summer, Nine Inch Nails, if only for the outrageous concert, I am late to the party, but Fleet Foxes is growing on me.  I listened to a ton of top 40 and dance music and Cut/Copy stood out.  Fucked Up is also new so I have not had time to digest it fully, but pretty rad.  Deerhunter is another solid one that I just downloaded but haven’t had time to full appreciate.

One of Coral’s faves might also include Jason Mraz.

hmmm, how’s that?

Go with yourself.


ACK!  I forgot Beck – Modern Guilt

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Mongol was pretty good.  Tells the story of Genghis Khan in his early life.  Follows him as a boy that kinda gets the short end of the stick.  Then as a young man fighting to first regain his freedom, and later to rescue his wife, and later still he fights for freedom (he gets captured again and put in a Zoo… SWA?).  then he unites all the Mongols into a glorious fighting forces and heads West to Russia.  End of epic film.

Part 2 is supposed to come out in 2010.  hmmm, Olympics or Genghis Khan laying into some Christian Knights?

The thing with the movie that sorta irked me is, how come Genghis Khan was such a rad warrior.  When I watched Batman, it made sense… Christian Bale goes off to some secret monastery of shadowy ninjas and beats the shit out of Liam Neeson and swims in ice water.

Granted, Genghis Khan did swim in ice water and live… but the fighting doesn’t make sense.  In the early part of the story, he is little more than a slave or hobo.  Then they fast forward and he’s Heath Ledger in a Knight’s Tale.  They don’t connect the lines.


Oh man… I just watched the Knight’s Tale trailer again and it brought the LOLz.


In G n’ R news, this story made me giggle.


Prodigy are putting out a new record, and my man Dave Grohl is drumming.  Like me, he is a Dad and rocks the facial hair.  We’re like twins.


James posted this video on his Facebook. Some dude dancing to Beyonce’s “Put a Ring on it.”

I am not too sure if James does a whole heck of a lot of programming at The Peak, or just watches quirky videos all day.


This commercial got sent to me from a Zoner named Gina.  It is four minutes long, but I think worth it.

In the Doghouse


I do spend a lot of time of Facebook, but I am not member of no Facebook army.  WTF is wrong with society?

Facebook Hooligans Trash Brit Ad Exec’s Home

That story is reason #25 why Madelyn is NEVER going on the internet.


Nine Inch Nails is tomorrow night!

Coral and I got a babysitter and are jazzed on the show.


Thank you for hitting my Purevolume site.  I posted some audio there the other day and put the link on my blog and I got a few hits.  Thank you for taking the time.

Go with yourself.

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The Zone Phone was fired up last week when it came to talking about a recent BC Supreme Court ruling that lets people camp in the park.

Purevolume: Tent Cities / Jeremy can NOT grow a mustache


I got an email from a Zoner named David.


I understand the homeless situation, and with closing mental health and shelter beds, we’ve intensified their plight. But parks are not the solution. You camped, you moved on. Did you plant a vegetable garden on the lawn of a park in Thunder Bay? (My hometown). Did you dig a latrine?

You were a transient, not a squatter. You said “The parks are for everyone, even the homeless guys…” or words to that effect. You’re right. But this camping is NOT using the PUBLIC parks for their intended purpose, and that’s wrong. I suggest that when a tent city is set up, it denies use of that portion of the park to the remainder of the public and that it is illegal to deny me and my family that access.

This judicial ruling may be the best thing to happen to homelessness. I’ll bet the backlash will trigger the powers to be to open the mental health beds again. Then there will be adequate beds for those who chose to live in this fashion.



I am very happy to report that I will be a judge for the 2009 Juno Awards.  Best Children’s Album.  Right-O.

and the lobbying begins with this epic video from Zoner Wendy and her son Evan.


AJ recently had her first son, a boy named Byron.  And like me, little Byron enjoys some AC/DC… or the alphabet.  I enjoy both, equally.


The Zone is asking, What Would You Do for Nine Inch Nail Tickets?  Today we have two Zoners going to head to hea don the Zone Phone in a battle of attrition.  They must sing “Row Row Row Your Boat” on the Zone Phone, longer than the other dude.

Here is Devon really going for it.


Go with yourself.

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Trends… there are are trends out there in the world, like recycling.  And then there are personal trends, like music with no words.

Instrumentals is what the cool kids call them.  And lately, for me, I am all about it.

Peter Bjorn and John have a new record and guess what?  Instrumentals.

Peter Bjorn and John – bien!

I made a chill out playlist… I think I’ll add some PB&J and blog it up for you.  But my days crafting playlists might be coming to a close as iTunes has this Genius thing on iTunes now that makes a pretty sweet auto playlist.

Review: Pitchfork


Popular question on the Zone Phone today:

When do Nine Inch Nail tickets go on sale and who is the opening band?

Nine Inch Nails
Zone Show 161
December 5th, 2008 @ the Save-On Foods Memorial Centre

Tickets on-sale, Friday, September19th at 10 AM.
Prices start at $39.50 plus all the fees and what-nots.

Opening band is this dude from the UK called The Bug.  Savage.
MySpace: The Bug


Go with yourself.

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